Fine Arts Drawing & Painting
In my free time I like to practice my drawing and painting skills. I love working with subjects that have texture and natural beauty. My favorite medium to use is Oils Paints because it requires time, patients, and attention to detail.

D.C. Metro Station - Pastel with Oil Stain on Black Paper
I was inspired to draw this because of the patterns occurring in the image; the walls, the lights, the brickwork, the train. I was also eager to draw how the way the light from the trains headlights reflects as it speeds through creates an eerie feeling, something that lasts a split second is now captured forever.

Drinking Water - Colored Pencil on Soft Umber Paper
This drawing was created from one of my favorite childhood images. Pictured is myself as a toddler drinking from the garden hose. This piece was one of the most difficult drawings I have ever done. Drawing the water took a lot of discipline to ensure that the reflections and distortions were perfect.

The Lobstah Pot - Pastel on Red Paper
This is easily the most iconic restaurant in Provincetown, MA. The drawing is full of detail and captures the rustic sea look of the building. I had fun drawing this because the bold red neon signs compliments the washed out white paint on the cedar shingles from the salty air of the ocean.

Through the Shutter - Oil Paint on Masonite
This was my very first oil painting. The chipped wooden shutter in the foreground is drawn from still life, and the sunset in the background is from a personal photograph. I enjoyed playing with highlights and shadows while painting the shutter to make it look like you could pick off the chipping blue paint.

Toboggan Study 1/3 - Pastel on Maroon Paper
This is 1/3 studies I did from still life of a falling apart old wooden toboggan. The finish had worn off and the wood was rough enough to give a splinter. Drawing the intricate texture of the wood was very intriguing. I liked how every detail of the toboggan was a different texture and caught the light of the room differently.

Christian - Pastel on Black Paper
While in El Salvador, I met a spunky toddler who was always trying to keep up with the older kids. In this drawing Christian was waiting outside the school for the older kids to get out of class so he could play with them. This is a rare documentation of Christian because he never sits still!