TrakTag is a mobile application that allows the user to track their pets health through wearable technology and data visualization. The name tag that the pet wears tracks movement, location, and steps. It also features a microphone and speaker so the owner can communicate with their pet, or just say hi when they miss their pet.

The Problem
The health of a pet is significantly important in order for the pet to live a long, happy life. Unlike humans, pets cannot monitor their health. Therefore they rely on their devoted owners to take good care of them. If a pet is not monitored everyday, the pet can become overweight and develop sicknesses without the owner even noticing a change.
Competitive Analysis

Trend Research


Use Cases
Jackson is away on a business trip for work and remembers that he is doing the walk week challenge on TrakTag. He is on day 6 of 7 and doesn’t want to let down his Dog. Jackson calls the friend that is watching his dog and makes sure that they get a 20 minute walk in so they don’t fail the challenge. Jackson is passionate about making sure his dog gets in his daily walk because his dog has poor joints and a short walk everyday helps keep his joint from getting too stiff. This applications helps Jackson track his dogs activity to make sure he is getting just enough rest and exercise. Jackson also likes that he can say hi to his dog when he misses him.
Lyla has been busy running around the kids and making sure they are where they need to be. She gets a text from her neighbor that there is a loose dog in the neighborhood and it might be hers. Lyla is fast to act and quickly grabs her phone and checks the TrakTag app. On the dashboard she sees that her dog is safe and sound inside they house. By sliding the current time she is also able to see that her dog has been inside for the past hour. Lyla is glad she has an app that can track her dogs activity and where about to avoid hectic situations.
The Objective
To create a interactive real time data interface that communicates to a pet owner their pet’s daily activity. By creating a functional interface, analyze their pet’s activity and potentially make changes to improve the dogs activity, schedule and overall health. Creating this application for a mobile platform will allow the owner/user to check on their pet, even if they are not with it. This application will be a tool so an owner can help their pet live the best life possible.

Core Features & Functions
1) Ability to track and monitor a multiple pet’s activity and health through simplistic live data visualization displayed on a mobile device.
2) Unique features such as: vibration, microphone, bark monitoring, GPS and ability to set distance boundaries.
3) Notifications when pet is active and inactive.
4) Improve healthy routine and habits of pet for maximum happiness and fulfilled lifestyle.
Content Flow Overview

Low Fidelity Wireframes

Left to Right: Log In Screen, Loading Screen, Landing Screen

Left to Right: Activities Screen, Commands Screen, Friends Screen
High Fidelity Wireframes

Mood Board

Style Board

Visual Designs

Visual Design Prototype